Note: This page is under construction, as things are verified they will be added. Check back often.
Hosted by: MQA
Date: October 3 - 4, 2025
Location: First Baptist Church Winona Fellowship Hall
309 Summit Street, Winona, MS. 38967
Registration will open TBA
Hotel Information
Holiday Inn Express
413 SE Frontage Road
Winona, MS.
Rooms start at $119.00 + tax (9%)
Note: We did not reserve a block of rooms as it was a better rate without the block. You are encouraged to reserve as early as possible.
We have calls into other hotels but nothing is confirmed yet.
Visit our vendors on-line and they can bring your purchases to the gathering!
Click on the logos to visit the shops virtually before the gathering! You can shop on-line and have your purchases delivered!
Social Media
Post on the MQA Facebook page or use the hashtag on your own page.
Program Information
Friday, October 3
Saturday, October 4
Legacy Quilters Presentation